CBD cigarettes are true game changers for anyone looking for a way to ease away from traditional tobacco use.
Tobacco is highly addictive and poses numerous dangers to your health. This is well known. CBD, on the other hand, offers some amazing benefits to your health, such as a reduction in anxiety, stress, and inflammation.
So now that CBD-rich hemp flower cigarettes are widely available in the U.S., there’s no need for anytone to smoke tobacco. But how do you find good quality, organically-grown, and effective CBD cigarettes?
Hemptrance CBD Cigarettes are a great option for many reasons. Let us explain…
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About Hemptrance CBD Cigarettes
Using only high-grade hemp grown on organic registered industrial hemp farms, Hemptrance CBD Cigarettes are easily one of the best hemp cigarettes out there.
They use a unique hemp strain that has over 10% CBD, meaning 100mg of CBD in each cigarette (1g of hemp per cigarette, 10 cigarettes per package). Not only that, each bud used in the production of these cigarettes is hand-trimmed and dried in natural sunlight.
Absolutely no pesticides or heavy metals are used in the cultivation process and everything is grown in full organic compliance. This results in a smooth and flavorful smoke, rich in phytocannabinoids and terpenes.

They may look like a regular cigarettes, but they taste of high-quality, well-cured cannabis. Along with over 10% CBD, the hemp used contains less than 0.3% THC, making them completely legal.
The cigarettes come packaged individually in small tubes to preserve the integrity of the product. The tubes are packed into a durable and stylish, reusable tin. Additionally, the cigarettes are available in menthol flavor which is great for anyone who prefers that minty flavor when smoking.
Why hemp?
Hemp flower cigarettes are proving to be the perfect substitute for people who are looking to give up smoking tobacco. In fact, switching over to hemp cigarettes is making the task of quitting tobacco incredibly easy for many people who have struggles with nicotine addiction for years.
Part of the reason for this is the fact that smoking a CBD cigarettes feels like smoking a regular cigarette, although there is more to it than that.
You see, CBD has an interesting way of interacting with the brain’s addition pathways. As well as lowering anxiety and inflammation, CBD also alters the attention bias of the brain, making cravings and triggers less intense. A number of studies have found CBD (as well as low doses of THC) to be very effective at treating all kinds of substance addiction disorders.
For others who just need a way of relaxing without the strong psychoactive effects of THC-rich cannabis, hemp cigarettes offer a smooth relaxing experience. Many describe a calming of the mind along with a relaxed body buzz.
$4 Off Each Pack of CBD Hemp Cigarettes – Subscribe to the CBD Flowers Weekly for access
Buying CBD cigarettes
While many outlets offer CBD cigarettes, it is important to verify you are only buying from reliable sources, as ‘hot’ hemp products (with THC levels above the allowed 0.3% THC) are flooding the market. Your best choice is to subscribe to our CBD Flowers Weekly newsletter, where we provide, every week, exclusive deals on top-shelf hemp flowers, CBD cigarettes, pre-rolled and more.
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