Home Lifestyle One with Nature – Marijuana and Hemp in the Great Outdoors

One with Nature – Marijuana and Hemp in the Great Outdoors


Summer is officially here and for many people that means connecting with nature and heading into the great outdoors.

While we’re living in these unprecedented times marked by a new “social distancing” culture, one of the safer ways we can blow off some steam is by simply getting out into nature more. As many of you may or may not know, I’m a serious outdoor enthusiast anyway. Comfortably situated in the Mojave desert between Joshua Tree National Park (JTNP) and various mountain ranges, I’m in a prime location for some exciting adventures like hiking, herping, off-roading, boating, photography, and more. Basically, when I’m not writing, I’m trying to spend as much time outside as humanly possible.

I’m also an avid cannabis and CBD consumer (as if that isn’t obvious), so naturally, combining these two is something I enjoy doing often. An interesting theme around Joshua Tree is the unique vibes you feel in the area. It’s truly a spiritual place. That said, this area draws in a lot of artists, musicians, and bohemian types from all over the world. Finding a place in the park to camp out and smoke some buds or eat a few magic mushrooms is extremely common out here.

While it may seem like a pretty simple concept – to just spark up a joint, blunt, hit a bowl, or a whatever you prefer – there are actually a few things you should keep in mind if you choose to partake in some cannabis consumption on your adventure. But fear not, I’m here to provide a few helpful tips so you can stay safe, be considerate of others, and make the best of your outdoor trek with cannabis or CBD flower.

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Be Prepared

You would think this goes without saying but for some people, the sheer excitement of getting out of the city trumps any thoughts of safety. But please, I can’t stress this enough, be prepared for anything! Being that I live in a very touristy desert with a rather inhospitable climate, I can’t tell you how often people need to be rescued from JTNP after they wander into the park with limited knowledge of the terrain, not enough water, and possibly intoxicated.

It’s easy to think that it won’t happen to you, but many people start on an adventure just not understanding how extreme a climate can be. We’ve already covered desert heat and dryness, but things can happen anywhere. It’s easy to get lost in a forest where you can’t see across a wide landscape, or to fall off rocks, twist your ankle, etc.

Preparedness applies anytime and anywhere you decide to go hiking, but especially if you’re using cannabis or hemp at the same time. The feeling of thirst – or cotton mouth – is amplified when you’re using such products while participating in physical activities. So again I say, be prepared. Dress for the weather/terrain, wear sunscreen, know your route, and bring some snacks and extra water!

Is it legal?

Now this topic is a bit more complicated and depends entirely on where you are – and no, I don’t mean whether you’re in a legal state or not. This particular question comes down to if you plan on hiking in a national park or if you’ll be taking a trail off the beaten path. If it’s the former, then do so at your own risk because national parks adhere to federal regulations. This means cannabis and certain CBD products are illegal when hiking, backpacking, camping, off roading – at all times.

Photo credit: Alexandra Hicks

While it may seem like a right of passage to smoke some ganja and saunter through the fantasy-like, bristled and twisting Joshua Trees (after all, Jim Morrison did it), it’s actually quite illegal. If caught, you can get anything from a fine and probation, to a few months in Jail. And if you’re from out of state, your sentence may transfer to your state of residence so you’ll still have to check in with a P.O. or do community service back home. This is true regardless of what state and what national park you’re arrested in. 

Be a safety conscious cannabis or CBD user

In some areas, where it’s cool and shady, or humid, fire safety may be just a fleeting thought. But here in California, wildfires can ravage entire communities. Be careful where you ash your joint or pipe, and make sure you don’t throw out any roaches. Aside from the immediate fire danger, littering in nature is pretty scummy. Not only does it ruin the landscape, but it harms much of the natural plant and wildlife.

Also, wherever you are, make sure to be considerate of other hikers. Just because you enjoy cannabis or CBD buds doesn’t mean everyone around you wants to smell it. It’s best to refrain until you’re somewhere less trafficked, but if that’s not an option, go with a more discreet method of consumption. Which brings me to my next point

What’s the best way to use cannabis or CBD flower while hiking?

This is partially a matter of personal taste, but it’s also dependent on what you find most convenient and discreet. Some people like to roll their cannabis or CBD buds into a joint or blunt, but this method is best reserved for areas where flowers are permitted, or at the very least somewhere secluded.

Photo credit: Alexandra Hicks

If you’re in a national park or on any more regularly traveled trail, you’ll definitely want to be as low-key as possible. Vaping is an option many people prefer, and it’s definitely more discreet than smoking but there is still an odor associated with this. If you truly want to be incognito about your cannabis or CBD use, the best options are edibles or tinctures. Edibles, of course, can be eaten, but tinctures can either either placed under the tongue or mixed into a beverage.

Final thoughts

Getting outside where you can be away from the hustle and bustle of daily life, as well as being surrounded by unrivaled natural beauty is not only great for your physical self, it’s also good for the soul. Hiking, camping, or simply spending a bit time in the fresh air can make you feel connected, grounded, peaceful, and appreciative – adding cannabis or CBD to the mix can be a great way to take the wonders of nature to amazing new heights.

Thanks for stopping by CBDflowers.co, where we’re covering everything related cannabis, hemp, and CBD flower. Stop back frequently and subscribe to the CBD Flowers Weekly Newsletter to keep yourself up-to-date.

Photo credit: Alexandra Hicks




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