One of the most efficient ways to consume cannabinoids is via the body’s largest organ: the skin. Because cannabinoids are readily absorbed by the skin, hygiene products utilizing these compounds are in very high demand.
You don’t want to get just any product, simply because it has cannabinoids in it though. If we’re talking face creams, you definitely want a high-quality moisturizer with ethically sourced ingredients that are healthy for your skin. Enter one of the newest products on the market: VIRV Face Time Moisturizer.
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About the product
This face cream is made with wellness-conscious people in mind. Created by licensed aestheticians, VIRV Face Time Moisturizer is full of natural, plant based ingredients, as well as a healthy dose of cannabidiol. It’s a water-based moisturizer that utilizes Hyaluronic Acid and Hexapeptide – both of which are known to increase the Cells ATP levels and maintain the skin’s elasticity and tone.
It’s intended for use as a daily, daytime moisturizer and it claims to work for all skin types, from dry to oily. Some of the main ingredients are aloe vera, witch hazel, hyaluronic acid, hempseed, pumpkinseed, green tea extract, HexaPeptide, borage and rosehip oils, coffee oil, vitamin E, and of course, full spectrum hemp extract – 150 mg to be exact.
The company, VIRV – which stands for Vitality Inspired by Real Values, is a new brand based out of Los Angeles, CA. Their goal is to create environmentally friendly skincare products that are made from ethically-sourced, natural ingredients.
I know it doesn’t matter for everyone but I absolutely love their packaging. There is a “selfie-side” on the front of their box, which is the brand and description writing in mirror-reverse to be readable when taking selfies. A great way to encourage happy customers to help promote the product themselves on social media. The lotion itself comes in a modern, airless pump jar, which is not only mess-free but also help preserve your product for as long as possible.
Benefits of Hemp on Skin
When used topically, cannabis products interact with the Endocannabinoid receptors found in our skin. This can help reduce pain associated with muscle aches, wounds and also conditions like arthritis. To briefly sum up the endocannabinoid system (ECS), it’s a system of receptors found in our bodies which respond to the cannabinoids like CBD which come from the cannabis plant. Research has shown that this system holds the ability to regulate pain and even regulate our hormones. It’s for these reasons that the ECS is so responsive to the use of cannabis topicals.
Aside from being used as a dietary supplement, hemp oil has been finding its way in the beauty industry lately. Those fatty acids and vitamins can seriously do wonders for the hair and skin. For example, it can provide moisture, elasticity, strength, and shine; and it can reduce oil and inflammation. The lipids produced by the hemp plant closely resemble the lipids produced in hair and skin so naturally, it works in sync with our bodies.
Two completely different experiences
We’ll start with my experience of course. I love the fact that is uses all natural ingredients and comes from an ethical company. Also knowing that it’s made by licensed aestheticians makes me more comfortable as well.
Overall, it’s a great product, but it’s not my skin type. I have dry skin and I also live in a very dry region, that at the moment, happens to be affected by wildfires and pollution. I need serious moisture, and for me personally, this doesn’t provide the long-lasting relief my skin needs. That said, everyone’s skin is different and I was curious to see how it work for someone else, so I had my grandma try it too.
For her skin, which is more of a dry/oil combination skin type, this VIRV Face Time Moisturizer worked beautifully. Not it only did it provide all-day moisture from morning to night, but after using it for about 1 week, her wrinkles were less visible and her skin was noticeably smoother. According to her, she will “never use another face cream again.”
Final Thoughts
When it comes to hygiene products, there is definitely no one size fits all product. Everyone has different skin and just because this product didn’t work for me, that doesn’t mean it’s not a good product. In fact, it’s an amazing product with great ingredients and wonderful results from many people.
If you have combination skin, or even somewhat dry skin, I would definitely encourage you to try this product. I’m big on everything being as natural as possible, and VIRV Face Time Moisturizer definitely fits the bill.
Click HERE to get VIRV Face Time Moisturizer
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